OT Works! is OPEN
OT Works! continues to serve clients and customers during the COVID-19 outbreak. We believe occupational therapy is essential to maintaining the health and wellbeing of the public. OT Works! is adapting to better support everyone – our clients, customers, therapists, staff and our communities – in the most responsible manner possible.
OT Works! is enabled by telehealth. Our occupational therapists can provide telehealth services by phone, email, text messages and video. Telehealth can allow live, confidential and safe interactions with an occupational therapist during times social distancing. We have developed protocols and plans that follow guidelines by the College of Occupational Therapists of BC (COTBC) and the Provincial Health Services Agency (PHSA). Our goal is to provide care through telehealth that is meaningful and appropriate.
We will continue to provide in-person home visits on an urgent basis.
Benefits of Telehealth
Telehealth is a vital link to wellness when clients have limited or no access other in-person services. For many of our clients, telehealth is the only service available to them after other health providers and rehab team members have closed their doors. Through telehealth, our OTs can provide clients with prompt and personalized care while maintaining social distancing.
Telehealth can help clients by:
- Maintain or improve workplace tolerances
- Develop a daily structure that simulates their typical (work) day
- Create healthy routines
- Increase resiliency
- Deliver health education
- Promote connection with the workplace and decrease isolation
Occupational therapy is client-centered. Our clients’ telehealth treatment plans are specific to individual needs and goals. While some rehab goals may not be accessible during times of social isolation (eg. return-to-work), telehealth maintains clients’ readiness for rehab upon return to in-person sessions.
Occupational therapists are creative and adaptive. With telehealth, our therapists are able to adjust the frequency and duration of sessions to provide appropriate and effective care during our current situation.
Telehealth allows us all to socially distance ourselves and prevent the spread of disease while still connecting, progressing on goals and maintaining well-being.
Service Areas
OT Works! continues to serve the following areas :
- Metro Vancouver
- Fraser Valley
- Sea-to-Sky (Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton)
- Vancouver Island
With telehealth, our occupational therapists can also assist clients outside of these geographic areas. Contact us to learn more.
Contact Us
All of our therapists at OT Works! are certified with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC) and have additional training in areas such as mental health, brain injury rehabilitation, home safety and chronic pain.
We’re here for you when you need us.
E-mail: info@ot-works.com
Phone: 604.696.1066 ext 1000
OT Works! and Your Safety
COVID-19 Update
The health and safety of our clients, occupational therapists, and staff is of the utmost priority. With the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) spread in Canada, OT Works! is taking additional precautions and following recommendations and guidelines set out by the BC Center for Disease Control, Government of Canada and World Health Organization (WHO).
What OT Works! will do for you
Our occupational therapists will:
- Not visit you if they are ill or have been exposed to the virus
- Give you the option to switch to phone or video sessions (even if there is not an obvious risk at this time)
- Inform you if they develop symptoms or get a diagnosis of coronavirus within 5 to 15 days since your last visit together.
- Follow guidelines set out by the Center for Disease control to reduce risk of transmission (hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, social distancing, self-monitoring and use of masks as needed).
What we ask of you
- Tell us if you are ill
- Tell us if you or have been diagnosed with, or exposed to the coronavirus
- Tell us if you develop symptoms or get a diagnosis of coronavirus within 5 to 15 days since your last visit
- Tell us if someone you are living wil becomes ill, has been diagnosed with or exposed to the coronavirus
- Clean frequently-used surfaces, if possible, to prevent the spread of disease
If you have fever, cough, headache, difficulty breathing, pneumonia or have recently travelled abroad, call your primary care provider or the BC Healthline (811). They will discuss with you the most appropriate setting for clinical assessment and, if warranted, testing.
For the latest recommendations and guidelines in our community, please visit the our regional health authorities (Vancouver Coastal Health, Fraser Health) and the BC Center for Disease Control.
- Health Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html
- BC Center for Disease Control: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-professionals/clinical-resources/novel-coronavirus-(covid-19)
- Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH): http://www.vch.ca/about-us/news/vancouver-coastal-health-statement-on-coronavirus
- Fraser Health Authority (FHA): https://www.fraserhealth.ca/health-topics-a-to-z/coronavirus
2018 – OT Works! Year in Review
As 2018 draws to a close, we reflects on how we have grown as a team and as a part of our wider community this past year. This year we welcomed four new occupational therapists and a new communications coordinator to our team. We have become better acquainted with the strengths and passions of each OT Work! team member in our regular social events, professional development sessions, and expanding range of rehab services.
We have also supported other organizations as they empower people in Canada and around the world ( Run for Water, Because I am a Girl, Project Change Foundation).
In 2019 we look forward to creating new memories, walking alongside our current and future customers and clients, and continuing to learn and grow.
From our families to yours, we wish you a Happy Holidays, and a Joyous New Year!
Being Mindful During the Holidays
The holiday season is a time of joy and connection with others, but it can also be a stressful time of year. With shorter days and darker weather, the holidays can also bring lengthy to-do lists, and crowded activities and limited time to relax and share meaningful moments with family and friends. Practicing mindfulness can help alleviate the winter blues and better prepare you for the holiday season. Mindfulness can help you enjoy the seasonal changes and let go of holiday stress and channel your attention towards the current tasks at hand.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the intentional practice of letting go of stress and pain and letting yourself experience what is happening right here and now. The intention is to mentally let go of things that distract you from what you are doing. Mindfulness is often about letting go of our to-do-list tasks, expectations and worries so that you can focus completely on what you are doing in the present moment.
Mindfulness is one strategies that an occupational therapist can help you make activities more approachable, especially those that have become stressful since an illness or injury.
Try It Out!
The more you remember to return your attention to the present moment in this exercise, the easier it will be to do so during a real-life moment, when your attachment to thinking or worrying creates unnecessary stress. Randy McVeigh, an occupational therapist with OT Works!, has 11 years of experience practicing mindfulness. Here is one of Randy’s approaches to mindfulness for the holidays: Sound meditation.
Sound Meditation
- Set a timer: Decide how long you will practice the mindfulness exercise for. Consider aiming for 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
- Get comfortable: Sit in an upright position on a chair or couch; try to find a position in which you can feel comfortable, yet alert
- Breathe: Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths. Feeling your belly expand and contract as you inhale and exhale
- Listen: Notice the sounds in the environment around you. You may be able to hear the sound of cars outside, your refrigerator humming, neighbours talking, or any multitude of other things. Or, you may hear silence.
- Notice and observe: Try to just notice the quality of the sounds you are hearing, without getting caught up in thinking about what they mean. For instance, if you hear a dog bark, pay attention to the sound of the bark, without thinking about whose dog it is and what the dog is barking at. We are trying to practice keeping our attention “present” to the on-going sensation of sound, rather than getting lost in thinking about sound. This is easier said than done! Most people will get distracted many times when meditating for 5 minutes. That’s normal! Don’t try to stifle thought. Just acknowledge when you have been distracted by thought, and practice gently returning your attention to the sounds.
- Notice your feelings: You may find yourself enjoying listening to the sounds. If you are startled or irritated by a particular sound, just notice this feeling the sound has created in you, and return your attention to the sound
- Focus again on your breath: Return your attention to your breathing. Take 5 deep breaths, noticing the feeling of the air going in and out.
- Return: When your timer alerts you, or when you are ready, gently open your eyes. Take a moment and observe your environment (sounds, smells, sights). Notice how your body feels right. Notice your thoughts and emotions.
That’s the practice. It’s often been said that it’s very simple, but it’s not necessarily easy. This exercise isn’t about the mindfulness meditation itself, it’s about building a skill that you can take out into the world. You can develop both concentration and awareness so you’re able to more frequently recognize what’s happening right now, make more intentional decisions about where your attention should be, and respond to daily situations in a more skillful way.
Learn More
- Why should you practice mindfulness? Learn the benefits at https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/mindfulness/definition#why-practice.
- How does mindfulness work? Learn about its mechanisms of action at http://www.mindfulnessinstitute.ca/the-science/
- Practice gratitude this holiday season! Visit https://www.mindful.org/a-simple-mindful-gratitude-exercise/ for mindful techniques to raise your mood and spread happiness.
- The BC Crisis Centre is a resource for residents of British Columbia. Check out their recommendations for mindful practice at https://crisiscentre.bc.ca/mindfulness/.
Supporting Communities: Project Change Foundation 2018 Awards
The Project Change Foundation held its annual award and fundraising event on November 22, 2018. Project Change provides small grants and other support to new or emerging charities with a clear vision for improving their communities or the environment. This year’s PCF grant recipient is Chilliwack Restorative Justice and Youth Advocacy Association. Previous recipients: The Lipstick Project, Community First Foundation, and Binners’ Project.
OT Works! is a proud sponsor of the local Vancouver non-profit organization Project Change Foundation. Change is central to the philosophy of occupational therapy and our therapists facilitate change to promote health and recovery. Pamela and Jason attended the Project Change event and panel discussion on “Living Your Best Life: Ideas For Unleashing Your Full Potential”. We were inspired by the ideas and wisdom shared by the panel.
Learn more about the Project Change Foundation and the Chilliwack Restorative Justice and Youth Advocacy Association.
You can learn more about approaches to restorative justice here.
November is Fall Prevention Month
Everyone experiences a fall now and then. While most falls do not cause serious injury, occasionally we are reminded of how even a simple fall from standing can be catastrophic. Falls are especially devastating among older adults causing over 90% of hip fractures and 60% of head injuries. In fact, on average, every 10 minutes a senior is hospitalized because of a fall.
Some people believe that falls are a normal part of aging and can’t be prevented, or that it won’t happen to them. The truth is: There are many things you can do to prevent falls. Many risk factors are within our control to change.
What can you do to help prevent falls?
- Keep your body active: You are less likely to fall if you have strong muscles and good balance.
- Have your eyes checked by an optometrist once a year: Good vision can reduce your risk of falling.
- Have your doctor or pharmacist review your medications: Some medications can make you feel drowsy, dizzy, or unsteady on your feet.
- Make your home safer: Falls are often due to home hazards that are easy to overlook but easy to fix
For more information about falls prevention go to www.findingbalancebc.ca.
How OT Can Help Prevent Falls
Occupational Therapists often addresses fall prevention as an important step towards preventing further injury. An occupational therapist can support you to carry out activities that you enjoy or want to do safely through:
- Advice, ideas and equipment
- Advice to improve strength and balance
- Support to talk through any fear of falling
OTs manage your underlying fall risk factors and optimize your home design and environment. In the initial assessment, an OT can assess your home and other places you frequent. The goal is to be as safe as possible with the tools and measures already in place. Should further direction be necessary, OTs can organize equipment supply, implement exercise programs, discuss the risks of various daily activities and suggest home modifications.
Here are some examples of how a prior injury may put people at risk for a fall and the steps OTs can take to improve your condition and reduce the risk of further pain
- Pain medication can make you dizzy, sleepy or nauseous. An OT may suggest that you sit down while doing activities such as getting dressed or that you use a tall stool instead of standing in the kitchen.
- Maintaining balance becomes more difficult if you break or fracture an arm. An OT may help you organize your kitchen so that you don’t have to reach high for dishes or food while your arm heals.
- Moving with crutches can be challenging when going up and down stairs. An OT can assess whether you are able to use the stairs safely while on crutches or can make recommendations for room utilization on the main floor until your ability to walk improves.
Learn More
Here are more resources, tools and strategies to protect yourself and those you care about from a fall. Share these with your loved ones to better ensure health and safety for all.
- Fall Prevention guide (Vancouver Coastal Health) – http://www.vch.ca/public-health/health-topics-a-z/topics/fall-prevention
- Exercises to improve balance (Harvard Medical School) – https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/balance-training-seems-to-prevent-falls-injuries-in-seniors-201310316825.
- Home safety suggestions (Government of British Columbia) – https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/seniors/health-safety/disease-and-injury-care-and-prevention/fall-prevention/what-you-can-do-to-prevent-a-fall/home-safety-checklist
- Fall Prevention Month (Finding Balance British Columbia) – http://www.fallpreventionmonth.ca/toolkit/resources/finding-balance-british-columbia-campaign-toolkit.
- The Safe Living Guide (Public Health Agency of Canada) – http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/seniors-aines/publications/public/injury-blessure/safelive-securite/pdfs/safelive-securite-eng.pdf
- Home modification support (BC Housing) – https://www.bchousing.org/housing-assistance/rental-assistance-financial-aid-for-home-modifications/home-adaptations-for-independence
October 27th is World OT Day
October 27th is World Occupational Therapy Day! OTs make a difference in the lives of many today, here in Canada and around the world.
From its beginnings in treating patients with tuberculosis in the late 1800s, occupational therapy has evolved to help people of all ages to get the most out of life. Occupational therapists today address neurological events and injuries, mental health problems, injuries due to accidents, childhood conditions, orthopedic conditions, alcohol and substance abuse as well as cumulative trauma injuries.
Occupational therapy is a regulated profession in Canada.
Find out more about World OT Day and the benefits of occupational therapy at http://www.wfot.org/AboutUs/WorldOTDay.aspx.
October is OT Month: Celebrating Occupational Therapy!
October is National Occupational Therapy Month in Canada. This is an opportunity to celebrate how occupational therapists make a difference in the lives of those around us. While supporting and strengthening their clients’ capabilities, OTs help foster independence and their client’s ability to do the things that are important to them. Whether an individual is struggling to manage tasks at home, ease back into the workplace, or get connected with resources in their community, OTs can provide meaningful care to ensure success.
Here are two examples of how our occupational therapists have helped client’s recovery from injuries and reconnect with the people and activities they enjoy.
(Re)Defining Purpose
After a terrible bike accident, Robert could not work and underwent an unsuccessful surgery that subsequently required him to have a hip replacement. As an active 30 year old man who enjoyed his physically challenging job, he felt he was missing out on the best years of his life. When Susan, an occupational therapist with OT Works!, first connected with Robert following a referral from ICBC, he challenged the need for her OT services.
Susan took small steps to help Robert. Being client-centered, she carefully planned and arranged their first meeting. She knew to be successful, they needed to focus on what he could do, and build one step at a time. Susan had to meet Robert where they are at and use meaningful activity to help resume important activities. She accompanied him to the pool so that he could start swimming again. They began to go on walks, and over time Robert could walk more often and for a longer duration. Susan also helped Robert in his home, and in the process he rediscovered his love for cooking. Susan also connected him with a physiotherapist and kinesiologist who helped make sure that he did not overexert his hip.
By the end of their treatment, Robert returned to work as a longshoreman. With Susan’s help, he was able to work full-time, fulfilling all the duties his job requires while also pursuing leisure activities important to him. Not only is Robert rebuilding his endurance again but his employer was confident that he could work independently and efficiently. Susan’s intervention adopted a multi-disciplinary approach, incorporated meaningful activities, and carefully to graded plans to ease Robert back into the work and hobbies they enjoyed before the injury.
Challenging Oneself
After suffering a fall at home, Isabella became very fearful of getting hurt again. She could not tolerate much walking and was usually too anxious to leave her apartment. Her lawyer asked for an occupational therapist’s help. When Isabella spoke with Janet, an occupational therapist with OT Works!, she told her that “I am not the fun, happy person I used to be.”
Janet was determined to help rebuild Isabella’s confidence. They set goals and accessed resources about depression and exposure therapy. Together they determined which strategies could best calm her racing heart rate, shaky hands, and negative thought processes. Isabella used these strategies to gradually re-engage with activities in the community. Janet set her up with a walker and a rehab assistant and together they would all walk to the mall; the therapists’ presence relieved anxiety about falling again. Over the 5 months that they worked together, Isabella was eventually able to walk ahead of Janet by a few steps, then by a block, and eventually they were able to meet at the mall rather than walk there together.
As her treatment with Janet came to an end, Isabella would visit the mall by herself and returned to activities she previously enjoyed such as quilting and preparing meals. Several months after her discharge, Janet received a surprise text. Isabella eagerly mentioned that she now walks in her community every day with her daughter or granddaughter and how grateful she is for her occupational therapist helped her accomplish.
By returning Isabella to her pre-injury activities in a relatively short period of time, her lawyer and insurance provider recognized that occupational therapy helped to saves disability costs and prevent future medical concerns from arising. Janet’s intervention is representative of occupational therapy’s approach to breaking down and managing a variety of barriers – whether they are physical, emotional or cognitive – to effectively empower a client one step at a time.
Ask for OT!
As with Robert and Isabella, OT’s can enliven peoples’ experiences in the home, workplace and community, no matter their reason for seeking treatment. The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists is also promoting the “Ask For OT” campaign as part of OT Month this October. ‘Ask for OT’ coverage, as a part of; from your employer, your insurance provider and/or your union. If you’d like to see OT services provided by your own workplace health benefits, send a letter to your employer, benefit provider or union. Or better yet, make a phone call or meet with your employer, insurance provider or union. CAOT has some great ideas to start the conversation.
Did Robert and Isabella’s stories catch your attention? Learn more about their therapists Susan and Janet and the rest of the OT Works! team.
For more information about what occupational therapy and OT Works! can do for you, give us a call or email us at info@ot-works.com.
Ask for OT from your Employer: https://www.caot.ca/document/6353/AskforOT_Letter%20for%20Employer.pdf
Ask for OT from your Insurer https://www.caot.ca/document/6354/AskforOT_Letter%20for%20Insurance%20Company.pdf
Ask for OT from your Union https://www.caot.ca/document/6355/AskforOT_Letter%20for%20union.pdf
Run for Water – Supporting Community
OT Works! therapists and families joined the 2018 Run for Water in support of clean water projects in Gora Bantu, Ethopia. We had runners in 10k and 5k events having fun and donating to help address the water crisis in Africa.
As OTs we see how physical activity is so important to health and wellbeing. We also appreciate we are fortunate to live and work in Vancouver, were we are blessed with an abundance of fresh, clean water. Sometimes we complain about the rain, but we love it and are grateful for it. These are the reasons we support Run for Water and what this Abbotsford-based, non-profit organization is about:
We believe that running is awesome, inspiring, and often life-changing.
We believe that everyone on this planet should have access to clean water.
All fundraising proceeds go directly to water projects in Africa. And the difference it can make is life-changing. Just $35 provides 1 person in Gora Bantu with access to safe, clean drinking water for life. This year over $450,000 funds were raised.
Previous Run for Water campaigns supported the community of Sasiga, Ethiopia.
Learn more and donate at Runforwater.ca.
#GETLOUD – CMHA Mental Health Week
Mental health, like physical health, is something we all have.
Many of us know the statistic that 1 in 5 Canadians has a mental health issue every year. But that’s not the whole story. Every one of us, all 5 in 5, have mental health. Whether or not you have a mental health “issue.” The fact is that someone could be diagnosed with a mental illness and have great mental health, while someone without a mental illness may be struggling with theirs. Anybody can have poor mental health, and anybody can have great mental health. Mental health is a state of being. Your self-esteem, your level of stress, even your distress. How you feel about yourself and other people. These are all part of your mental health. And mental health is key to your overall health. We all have mental health and we should all be talking about it!
At a recent OT Works! social event that’s exactly what we did. Conversation drifted from post-work catching up to topics that were more personal and meaningful. Several of us took time to talk about how we are doing and evaluate our own mental health. Opening up on how we manage, several of our OT colleagues shared strategies they have implemented to support their well-being.
How do we keep the good days coming, and lift ourselves up on the bad days? Through our conversation, we recognized that our regular OT Works! social events help us to connect, take notice, learn from and give to each other. Our personal reflections line up with scientific findings which tell us that there are real, tangible action you can take to keep the good times coming and help on the bad days.. Here are some strategies for mental well-being, based on compelling evidence. As OTs with experience working with mental health challenges we know that these strategies help our clients, just as we know these work for us.
Feelings of connection are key to feeling well. So are healthy relationships, at home, work, school or in your community. Put time and energy into developing good relationships with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Your mental health is stronger when you feel like you belong.
- Take someone for tea or coffee.
- Join something: a club, a group, an association.
- Hang out with a friend.
- Send a card or email to someone you miss.
- Enjoy the company of friends or family.
- Accept social invitations.
- Let grudges go.
Being active and taking care of your body will help you take care of your mental health. You’ve probably heard it before: Exercise will make you feel better. It will make you feel good. Well, it’s true. It can reduce stress, boost your energy and strengthen your immune system. Exercise doesn’t have to be work, and it doesn’t have to be hard. Maybe exercise is the wrong word for you. Depending on what makes you feel good, and on your level of mobility, try these:
- Play.
- Run.
- Row.
- Lift.
- Jump.
- Throw (whether it’s a frisbee, a ball or even a javelin).
- Dance (like no one’s looking).
- Cycle.
- Walk.
- Garden.
- Stretch.
- Take the stairs.
Our lives are busy, so we sometimes need reminding to take notice. These days, we’re hearing more and more about mindfulness. What is it? Here’s one definition: It is the state of being attentive to and aware of what is taking place in the present. In other words, it means paying attention to what is happening right now. Sometimes we forget to be mindful. When you notice what’s going on inside you, and what’s going on around you, you can make choices that will meet your needs. And you can reduce stress. Notice the moment, whatever you’re doing. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what matters to you.
- Take time to really enjoy your food.
- Pay attention to your breath, in meditation practice or just sitting at your desk.
- Notice when something good happens to you, and savour it.
- Observe when something’s beautiful. Or unusual.
- Be aware of your thoughts and what you tell yourself.
- Be curious.
- Try meditation. It’s not as hard as it might sound. (You can meditate in all sorts of way, including sitting, walking, and even eating. Check it out online.)
- Keep a journal or write a blog
- Check out your local arts and culture scene
Whether you’re in a classroom, or at the university of life, learning new things can foster your
self-confidence, and give you a sense of well-being. We don’t just learn as children, or in school.
We can learn new things all life long. And through learning, we can change the way we think
about ourselves and the world. The opportunities to learn are endless, whether it’s formal
learning, or not.
- Try something you’ve never tried.
- Or go back to something that you liked before.
- Sign up for that course: learn sign language or CPR or how to decorate cakes.
- Learn to play an instrument.
- Experiment with cooking and make your favourite food.
- Try a hobby or activity you’ve always meant to.
- Give yourself a challenge you’ll enjoy.
- Check out how to do just about anything on YouTube.
Give to others
Seeing yourself, and your well-being as linked to your community can be incredibly rewarding, and can give your brain a boost.
- Do something nice for a friend, or for a stranger.
- Thank someone.
- Smile. Check it out: it’s contagious.
- Volunteer at something that’s meaningful to you.
- Join a community group.
Give to yourself
This is sometimes called “self-care.” Set aside time for yourself and to do the things that make you feel well.
- Cook a tasty meal.
- At work: Take breaks. Go for a walk at lunch. Don’t eat at your desk. Take your sick days when you need them.
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Go out in nature. Or just get outside.
- Join a peer support group.
- Un-plug from email when you can.
- Take a break from social media.
- Laugh hard, and often.
- Do your laundry.
- Sing loud.