OT Works! and Your Safety
COVID-19 Update
The health and safety of our clients, occupational therapists, and staff is of the utmost priority. With the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) spread in Canada, OT Works! is taking additional precautions and following recommendations and guidelines set out by the BC Center for Disease Control, Government of Canada and World Health Organization (WHO).
What OT Works! will do for you
Our occupational therapists will:
- Not visit you if they are ill or have been exposed to the virus
- Give you the option to switch to phone or video sessions (even if there is not an obvious risk at this time)
- Inform you if they develop symptoms or get a diagnosis of coronavirus within 5 to 15 days since your last visit together.
- Follow guidelines set out by the Center for Disease control to reduce risk of transmission (hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, social distancing, self-monitoring and use of masks as needed).
What we ask of you
- Tell us if you are ill
- Tell us if you or have been diagnosed with, or exposed to the coronavirus
- Tell us if you develop symptoms or get a diagnosis of coronavirus within 5 to 15 days since your last visit
- Tell us if someone you are living wil becomes ill, has been diagnosed with or exposed to the coronavirus
- Clean frequently-used surfaces, if possible, to prevent the spread of disease
If you have fever, cough, headache, difficulty breathing, pneumonia or have recently travelled abroad, call your primary care provider or the BC Healthline (811). They will discuss with you the most appropriate setting for clinical assessment and, if warranted, testing.
For the latest recommendations and guidelines in our community, please visit the our regional health authorities (Vancouver Coastal Health, Fraser Health) and the BC Center for Disease Control.
- Health Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html
- BC Center for Disease Control: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-professionals/clinical-resources/novel-coronavirus-(covid-19)
- Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH): http://www.vch.ca/about-us/news/vancouver-coastal-health-statement-on-coronavirus
- Fraser Health Authority (FHA): https://www.fraserhealth.ca/health-topics-a-to-z/coronavirus