Pamela Russell presenter with CAOT-BC and ICBC “Working Better Together for Occupational Therapists” 

ICBC and the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (CAOT-BC) co-produced the webinar Working Better Together for Occupational Therapists
Pamela Russell (Clinical Director, OT Works!) was one of the two OT co-presenters, representing community-based occupational therapists in BC.   

Pamela is a founding member of the CAOT Private Practice Business Network (PPBN) committee.  

The team presented a document called “Roles of the Occupational Therapist and Recovery Specialist in Enhanced Care” during the webinar on July 13, 2022. This guide was developed through collaboration between the CAOT-BC Private Practice Business Network and ICBC.

“It was a privilege to be part of this collaboration. It took several months and many conversations. But in the end, we established common ground that will provide clarity in how we work together and optimize the recovery process for ICBC customers.”  

Pamela Russell, Clinical Director at OT Works!

Occupational therapists can find the webinar and reference materials on the ICBC healthcare providers site (under Occupational Therapists/Resources). 

At OT Works!, we work collaboratively with our customers, colleagues, and partners to facilitate quality care for our clients.  

OT Works! is a group of community-based occupational therapists serving Vancouver, Surrey, Fraser Valley, Squamish/Whistler, Victoria and Vancouver Island. We have been providing meaningful OT and rehabilitation services to clients in their homes and workplaces for over 20 years. 

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Phone:  604.696.1066 ext. 1000.