23 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
Develop healthier habits and reduce stress by trying Healthline’s goals. Make sure that you are realistic about what your goal entails so that you can effectively maintain the habit.
When choosing one of these goals, remember to make sure you plan them the SMART way.
- Specific – Know exactly what you want to accomplish.
- Measurable – Track your progress.
- Achievable – Outline the steps you will take to reach your goal.
- Relevant – Ensure the goal fits in with your current and upcoming needs.
- Time-Based – Choose a target completion date and set up check-ins along the way.
Get an OT’s Help
All of our OTs use goal-planning to develop effective and personalized treatment plans for their clients. Our OTs are university-trained and certified by the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC). Many of our OTs have additional training in physical OT treatment, mental health, and goal-planning.
Contact us today if you or someone you know could benefit from goal-planning with an OT.
Email: referrals@ot-works.com
Phone: 604.696.1066 ext. 1000