OT Works! Phase 2 Restart Plan
The health and well-being of our therapists, staff and clients is our top priority. Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, OT Works! has taken precautionary steps to reduce the risk associated with transmission and infection. As BC begins its Phase 2 Restart Plan, OT Works! has developed a series of steps that we will take together. We strive to protect the people in our networks and are committed to resuming operations with thoughtful consideration given towards everyone involved.
Policy, Procedures and Training
OT Works! has developed specific Covid-19 policies and procedures to keep clients, therapists and staff safe. We have provided training on our Safety Plan to all our therapists and staff. We regularly monitor developments and guidance from the Public Health Officer of BC, BC Center for Disease Control, the Government of Canada, WorkSafeBC, regional health authorities and the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC). We review all guidance and update policies and procedures accordingly.
Remote Working for Operations
Remote working is the default mode of business for non-clinical operations. Our office remains closed for staff at this time. Our collaboration takes place online and by phone.
Service Delivery: In-Person and Telehealth
We continue to deliver services by telehealth during BC’s Phase 2 Restart Plan. Our telehealth platform is private and secure. Telehealth remains our preferred method of service delivery when the services can be delivered safely and effectively.
In-person services can proceed for clients whose anticipated clinical benefits outweigh the risks, and only after completing a COVID-19 Point of Care Risk Assessment.
Our therapists will assess themselves daily for symptoms of the common cold, influenza or COVID-19 before delivering any in-person services. They will not conduct in-person services if they are ill, have travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days or if they are identified as a close contact of a confirmed case.
In-Person Services
Our therapists will limit the number of in-person visits following the recommendation of COTBC to 40-50% pre-pandemic caseloads. All clients considering in-person services will complete a Point of Care Risk Assessment with their OT before the session proceeds and at the start of their in-person session. Upon completion of the screen, the OT may adapt the session plan to maintain the health and safety of both the client and therapist if necessary.
Our therapists will provide clear communication outlining expectations such as requesting clients wash their hands and limiting the number of people in their home/environment prior to the occupational therapist’s arrival. Our therapists will also wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for every in-person client visit and will conduct hand hygiene before and after the client encounter.
Clients are invited to wear masks if they have them and prefer to, but they are not obliged to do so. Whenever possible, the therapist will maintain 2 meters (6 feet) between themselves, the clients, and anyone else in attendance (e.g. family member or employer).
Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Therapists are required to wear face masks for the entire duration of any in-person visit and will follow procedures to safely manage and care for PPE. Training has been provided on the proper use, management and care of PPE.
Hand Hygiene
Therapists will perform proper hand hygiene when interacting with clients. Training has been provided on hand hygiene protocols with specific attention given our operations in the community.
Working with Support Workers
The Occupational Therapist will confirm that remote support worker sessions are necessary by determining feasibility, therapeutic value, the activities involved and the feepayer’s support before proceeding. Any support workers providing urgent in-person services must follow the same safety protocols as all our occupational therapists.
Self-Isolation and Quarantine
All therapists, consultants and employees must self-isolate, follow guidelines from the Center for Disease control and contact 8-1-1 if they travel internationally or develop symptoms associated with COVID-19. Therapists with new or a worsening cough will not work in-person with any clients, client representatives, fellow providers, fee payers, employers or OT Works! employees for at least 5 days after their onset of symptoms OR until symptom resolution, whichever is sooner.
OT Works! has policies and procedures in place to monitor the effectiveness of our Safety Plan.
Questions or Concerns
If you have questions or concerns about our Safety Plan or the actions of our occupational therapists, please contact us. You may also request a copy of our detailed Safety plan via email.
E-mail: risk@ot-works.com.