October 20 is Purple Thursday

Brain Injury Canada is supporting a new initiative from the Canadian Royale Purple Society – Purple Thursday.

On October 20, 2022, the Canadian Royal Purple Society is asking Canadians to wear purple to raise awareness of the intersection of intimate partner violence (IPV) and brain injury.

Information about IPV & brain injury

According to the World Health Organization, one in three women will experience intimate partner violence in her lifetime. Most may also suffer one or more brain injuries as a result, since IPV often involves blows to the face, head, and neck. Brain injury in IPV can also happen from a loss of oxygen to the brain caused by strangulation. Often times, these injuries result from repetitive episodes of IPV occurring over many months or years.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) tends to happen behind closed doors, and there may not be signs obvious to people outside the household. Brain injury is often just as invisible, causing lifelong symptoms and challenges, but with no outward signs of disability. Clinicians may also not ask about intimate partner violence in their practice.

IPV is also extremely underreported. This happens for a variety of reasons, including:
•    Shame and stigma associated with IPV;
•    Fear of not being believed;
•    Desire to keep the family together, and;
•    A lack of recognition as to what constitutes abuse, causing victims to think it’s normal

Support for survivors

The following are some available supports for individuals who may need it.
•    Shelter Safe – an online resource to help women and their children seeking safety from violence and abuse
•    Women’s Shelters Canada – Shelters and Transition Houses United to End Violence Against Women
•    Advocacy information about intimate partner violence and brain injury in Canada
•    Facts about intimate partner violence from the Government of Canada’s Department of Justice
•    SOAR’s HELPS Brain Injury Screening Tool
•    SOAR’s Moving Ahead: Worker’s Guide to Brain Injury in Intimate Partner Violence
•    SOAR’s Moving Ahead: Survivor’s Guide to Brain Injury in Intimate Partner Violence


•    SOAR’s HELPS Brain Injury Screening Tool
•    SOAR’s Moving Ahead: Worker’s Guide to Brain Injury in Intimate Partner Violence
•    SOAR’s Moving Ahead: Survivor’s Guide to Brain Injury in Intimate Partner Violence
•    Brain Injury 101: the ABI toolkit on brain injury caused by intimate partner violence
•    Assessing Knowledge of Traumatic Brain Injury Among Intimate Partner Violence Service Providers
•    Intimate partner violence and concussion/brain injury

Learn more about #PurpleThursday


Contact Us

If you or someone you know is looking for support with brain injury, contact us today.  

Email:  referrals@ot-works.com   

Phone:  604.696.1066 ext. 1000.