OT Works! 2020 Virtual Holiday Party
The world was a different place in 2020, but at OT Works! we still had reasons to celebrate and being connected with our team is something that is very important to us!
To maintain everyone safe and healthy, we decided to host a Virtual Holiday Party in 2020. Although we were physically distant from each other, the connection between our team felt stronger than never!
The party was carefully planned by our Social (and fun) Committee: every person on our team received a Fresh Feast delivered to their door with a delicious dinner provided by a local company.
Our team members and their family were also invited to dress for the occasion: while some people chose fancy gowns, others preferred to wear a festive ugly sweater.

We also had a fun game prepared by our Office Manager, Tammy, where we learned some curious fun facts and life experiences about each other.
Finally, OT Works! also hosted a Secret Santa – Socks edition, where our team members exchanged (by sending the gifts via post) cozy and cool socks to keep everyone warm during winter.
It felt great being connected, sharing a laugh, and spending such a wonderful time virtually with our team.
We are hopeful that in 2021 our Holiday Party will be in-person.
We feel privileged and honored to have worked with amazing clients and team this year. We look forward to meeting and helping others in 2021.
From our families to yours, we hope you have a Safe Holiday Season and a Joyous New Year!